Long term Compatibility over Initial Chemistry

Wonder why a crush is called one? Google would tell you a different story, but we think it’s because it
makes you dizzy with excitement and is overpowering, overwhelming and, all other feelings that start
with the word over that seem to cause your insides to feel pulverized. Whenever you see them you feel
butterflies in your tummy, have sweaty palms, you’re weak in the knees and super nervous. This cocktail
of emotions when felt for someone is called chemistry. Intense. Physical. Biological.

While chemistry is the desire to go towards someone,
compatibility is what makes us want to stay there.


Chemistry is what we look for initially; it’s surface-level—an instinctual desire that sparks relationships tobegin. Compatibility, on the other hand, is the vehicle that carries the relationship through life’s curveballs and increases the bond you feel for your partner.

It is rather important to look beyond chemistry while choosing a partner that could potentially be the one. When it comes to meeting people through a medium like a matchmaker, you might argue that the very job of the matchmaker is to make you meet people with whom you should be compatible. They can, indeed, match interest, family values, status, etc., but compatibility is more than that. It is about how various elements of lifestyle, values and goals align and manifest in your interactions. It does not mean that you need to be clones of each other but rather that you complement each other in a way that makes your relationship tick.

In matchmaking, ever so often, it happens that guys punch much above their weight in the looks department than in regular life scenarios and get enamoured with the whole situation. It’s easy to get swept away with the idea of being with someone whom you thought you could never have and hence make a hasty decision, but that is when you need to remember that looks don’t last forever. Similar goes for the other side, where the lady in question might feel ecstatic at being showered with attention and praise, and might lose sight of the fact that your wavelength probably doesn’t match on many crucial things.

If you keep prioritizing the warm, fuzzy butterfly feelings of chemistry instead of prioritizing stable compatibilities you could potentially end up with someone with whom you have difficulty maintaining interests in the long haul. There are countless days and nights that you need to spend with each other, and they can’t all be filled with silence.

Don’t get us wrong, compatibility and chemistry aren’t mutually exclusive.

Ultimately, they can—and do—coexist and make for wonderful relationships. But time is often an important deciding factor in seeing if things will last. So don’t rush into something because it feels right for the moment. Take your time, talk things out and see if you are truly aligned with each other to create a beautiful and long-lasting relationship.

MatchMe is an elite matchmaking service based in New Delhi, India. The personalized matchmaking firm provides curated matches from around the world and is considered one of the best amongst high-end matrimonial services found in the country. What sets it apart is the organic and progressive approach of Mishi and Tania, who helm this enterprise.

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