Personalized Matchmaking

While we are living in the age of the internet, it has taken over our lives and we depend on it for almost everything we need, including love. The sudden rise in the number of online dating sites and matrimonial websites have opened up a whole new way of finding love. But many are still not comfortable with this idea of finding the right one by looking at passport size pictures on online sites! Many think that this is the new way of arranged marriages in India. But it may not be as simple as it sounds. Looking through hundreds of profiles and pictures can be a very painful process. However fancy it may sound, it is not everyone’s cup of tea to keep contacting random people on the internet. Mostly information and pictures shared aren’t necessarily correct which makes the online dating space very doubtful. For people who have less time and are more selective, personalized matchmaking works better. Matchme, a personalized matchmaking service, based in New Delhi, is one such service. It filters and curates matches for all its clients and makes sure they only meet suitable people. Started by two girls, Mishi and Tania, being in their 30s, they connect to everyone in the age group from 20s to their 40s. Understanding their personalities, MatchMe aims to make selective introductions. Most of the matches done by them have been only in the first few introductions. That is the advantage of personalized matchmaking. You do not keep meeting endless number of people to look out for the right one to settle down with. Personalized matchmakers make you meet people only if they feel they could connect with. This approach works well for the ones who have less time but enough money to shell out the fee for this search based process.

personalised matchmaking Service


Personalized matchmaking maybe a traditional business which most parents resorted to when there were no online portals, MatchMe has redefined the approach. In addition to meeting the anxious parents, they interact with all girls and boys who are looking out, asking them personal questions which the parents may not be able to answer. This way the whole approach becomes comfortable, transparent and more effective.

Another advantage of using a personalized matchmaking service could be confidentiality. It is not uncommon to come across your neighbour or someone you went to school with while browsing through matrimonial websites. To make sure that your personal information and your intent to get married is not on display for the world to see, and to narrow down your search, personalized matchmakers like MatchMe, personally put you in touch with those with whom you are most likely to hit it off with.

If one is well established, reached a certain age, online dating may just seem a very superficial approach as Credibility of the profiles available on matrimonial websites is one of the biggest concerns for anyone who finds them interesting and wants to send them a message. To address this concern, personalized matchmakers make sure they meet the people before they set up a meeting, going the extra mile to ensure that no woman claiming to be tall and slim turns out to be the other way.

Personalized matchmakers work like friends with their clients, also helping them overcome the biggest challenge of the awkwardness and friction people feel about coming to meet someone they don’t know. Perhaps with the influx of new websites to cater to the matrimonial needs of the urban Indian, the menace of the internet that is creeping in our lives along with the advantages, we’ll see a shift in the way matchmaking is done for the well-educated and well established lot, as they want to turn away from the online sites to more meaningful personal introductions that saves not only their time but also maintains their privacy.

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